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Custom Task Queues

By default, Piscina uses a simple array-based first-in-first-out (fifo) task queue. When a new task is submitted and there are no available workers, tasks are pushed on to the queue until a worker becomes available.

If the default fifo queue is not sufficient, user code may replace the task queue implementation with a custom implementation using the taskQueue option on the Piscina constructor.

Custom task queue objects must implement the TaskQueue interface, described below using TypeScript syntax:

interface Task {
readonly [Piscina.queueOptionsSymbol]: object | null;

interface TaskQueue {
readonly size: number;
shift(): Task | null;
remove(task: Task): void;
push(task: Task): void;

An example of a custom task queue that uses a shuffled priority queue is available in examples/task-queue;

The special symbol Piscina.queueOptionsSymbol may be set as a property on tasks submitted to run() or runTask() as a way of passing additional options on to the custom TaskQueue implementation. (Note that because the queue options are set as a property on the task, tasks with queue options cannot be submitted as JavaScript primitives).

Built-In Queues

Piscina also provides the FixedQueue, a more performant task queue implementation based on FixedQueue from Node.js project.

Here are some benchmarks to compare new FixedQueue with ArrayTaskQueue (current default). The benchmarks demonstrate substantial improvements in push and shift operations, especially with larger queue sizes.

Queue size = 1000

(index)Task Nameops/secAverage Time (ns)MarginSamples
0'ArrayTaskQueue full push + full shift''9 692'103175.15463917515'±0.80%'970
1'FixedQueue full push + full shift''131 879'7582.696390658352'±1.81%'13188

Queue size = 100,000

(index)Task Nameops/secAverage Time (ns)MarginSamples
0'ArrayTaskQueue full push + full shift''0'1162376920.0000002'±1.77%'10
1'FixedQueue full push + full shift''1 026'974328.1553396407'±2.51%'103

In terms of Piscina performance itself, using FixedQueue with a queue size of 100,000 queued tasks can result in up to 6 times faster execution times.

Users can import FixedQueue from the Piscina package and pass it as the taskQueue option to leverage its benefits.

Using FixedQueue

Here's an example of how to use the FixedQueue:

const { Piscina, FixedQueue } = require("piscina");
const { resolve } = require("path");

// Create a Piscina pool with FixedQueue
const piscina = new Piscina({
filename: resolve(__dirname, "worker.js"),
taskQueue: new FixedQueue(),

// Submit tasks to the pool
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
.runTask({ data: i })
.then((result) => {
.catch((error) => {

The FixedQueue will become the default task queue implementation in a next major version.